Proofreading in the BANC

Thank you !
Yeah, i added a lot of ends to dentrites in this cell, but as it’s not the purpose, i did not loose more time on it. Happy that this cells looks that good ! I think i’m pretty good now with BANC.
Good news for the banc-bot, i’ll give it a try as sometimes it take pretty much minutes to find a non proofreaden one !

Edit : My very first todo gng is a simple rock ! :laughing:!middleauth+

Unfortunately nothing to add

I think, your first item is a nucleus from a glia cell. If you double click the outsides of that neucleus, you can see the whole cell.


Krrrrruuuukkkk my friend… :cowboy_hat_face: eheh
is that possible to script BANC with Tampermonkey like you did with Eyewire ?
I’m already on optimizing my desktop :laughing:
I would like it to be like that :

I uped the “seg visible” in heigh and added a second colum for having annotations visible and directly accessible.
Is that possible ?

Yep it was, as my second cell was same, that’s what I deduced :+1:

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I can’t promise anything and I’m not very familiar with the new neuroglancer yet, but I’ll give it a try soon.

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:grin: :cowboy_hat_face: If you can, thank you ! If you cannot, thank you anyway :+1:

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Is that possible to delete a segment from BANC database ? Sometimes when i merge multiples segs, some duplicate themselves into twins…

Do you mean that in your segment list you have an old “ghost” segment that is a duplicate of the new segment that was created when you performed the merge action? That can happen.

You can remove old segments by clicking the :star: icon next to it in the segment list.

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Yes that is. I already do that, so it’s good. But isn’t that star just hiding the segment ? No need to delete it ?

In neuroglancer, there is a history of all the segments and edits. It is possible to go back in-time to an “old” version of a neuron by using an “old” segment ID.

That’s why we suggest that when one gets a segment ID to deselect/reselect the segment in the 2D to make sure you have the most recent version of that neuron.

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Neuroglancer assuming we had the ending of this axon in the dataset, what would it end in? Boutons?

Axons, so yes, smaller or larger boutons.

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