The paper package has been covered in The New York Times, The Guardian, and many other media outlets. I hear there is a Polish outlet working on a feature of Krzystztof
None of this would be possible without you, the amazing FlyWire community. Thank you for being a part of FlyWire. Together we have demonstrated the power of massively open collaborative science and pushed forward the field of biology and made another big leap forward for citizen science!
Hello! As I mentioned on Friday during our Twitch stream, here’s the info if anyone would like to order a physical copy of the issue of Nature in which the FlyWire papers are published.
For those of you who love digital print, please note that all the digital papers are Open Access which means there is no “paywall” for those publications and anyone can view those papers. So you can freely share the papers you were authors on with your friends and family.
You are also welcome to “Download the PDF” version of these papers for free and print them on your own
Here are the two main papers that Flyers are authors on
Just wanted to say, you’re not alone with anxiety disorder here. <3 I have generalized anxiety disorder as well, and Eyewire/Flywire have been so impactful for me on my mental health too.
I admire how much you’ve been able to accomplish for the projects, and I’m so happy to see you sharing that story with the world!