Here’s a thread for amusing and pyrhaps also pyrplexing finds in Pyr.
For fun, here are a few presynaptic segs on one branch of a pyramidal neuron!middleauth+
Here’s a thread for amusing and pyrhaps also pyrplexing finds in Pyr.
For fun, here are a few presynaptic segs on one branch of a pyramidal neuron!middleauth+
Ah, well I’ll move over something that I posted in the flybrain thread:
I just wanted to see a dendrite surrounding this bouton so that I could be sure I was heading in the right direction, instead this giant kelp forest attacked and crashed half my FF tabs
I did find a nice lil secret tunnel where it made room for a blood vessel
This post brought to you by the recolor function.
Recolor: for when you want everything to look green
the new green deal (not meant to be political, but it was too good to pass up lol)
When you forget your new team mates at work don’t know about your citizen science “hobby” yet and you drop it in a conversation without thinking of the implications.
I told my gf the other day and the look went from engaged to blank void in under a millisecond when she asked me what that was and I started explaining in avid fashion from Eyewire to now. I took a pic of it just in case I need it in the future.
I wish, we had the whole brain (and no black slides, please
yes, yes and yes please. lol
Me after opening a segment from the gsheet and seeing half the dataset merged.
You can see this especially well in the big teal one, but I like scrolling through the Z axis as the blood vessels look like they’re big ol bugs with little legs scuttling along.
So far, we’ve done 977 segments!middleauth+
niiiiiiice! Onward to the whole dataset lol
Great job all!
Awesome!! I think you guys are really going to like the cubic mm MEC hippocampus dataset. I haven’t seen it yet but cubic mm is huuuuuge like this big but with better imaging done in house
yes, yes we will. I CANNOT wait to be unleashed on them Vasculature, chandelier… oh just every kind of type