Since I knew most of you for a long time on Eyewire, but I also know that you’re mostly over here now, I thought this was an important place to give a heads up that I will be leaving the lab at the end of this week.
Wow I didn’t see this coming, I figured you three (GMs) would basically grow old in EW Boston lab hah, I hope you thrive in whatever your journey holds in store. We certainly had fun times in EW, mystics/zfish and Flywire!
I’m curious, is EW Boston lab gonna hire anyone (general curiosity anymore lol) or will the two ladies remain the two towers of EW/BANC/Pyr etc Boston lab? (LOTR reference lol)
I’ll try and make it to the ew happy hour for the sendoff.
Well, Celia will still be writing things! And she’s a great writer herself. But thank you, that means a lot to me, they were one of my absolute favorite things to work on.