Pyr Challenge 1: Mission Accomplished!

Thanks to our Pyr-oneers, Our very first Challenge in the CA3 dataset is complete!

Next up we have a selection of 358 bonus tasks that need tackling! These can be found under a new page in the Pyr CA3 Cit. Sci.Challenges spreadsheet. Happy proofreading!


In total, exactly 1300 segments :slight_smile:!middleauth+


Huzzah! Thanks to all who contributed to our newest endeavor into the hippocampus :tada:

The first 400 starting segments in Challenge 1 were chosen because they had 100 pre-synaptic connections with pyramidal cells. As we’ve found out, that usually means lots of branches have been merged together to create such a high number of synapses… so we ended up reconstructing 1300 segments instead :astonished:

The next batch of 358 :sparkles: bonus starting segment tasks have 101 pre-synaptic connections with pyramidal cells. So expect plenty more splitting!

Looking forward to re-pyring (aka repairing) more neurons together! :smiling_face:


Took a quick screenshot of the 1300 segments (thanks KK!)

Fun Fact: Can you see the distinct curve in the CA3 hippocampus section? The black curved area with no segments in the middle is where most of the somas of the pyramidal cells are located.


I’ll just add, that those 1300 segments are without all the hidden ones and the short ones (partial), that were in all the final links.
I’ve assumed, that the hidden ones were either the starting segments or from some stages of the work before the final result. With those, there would a couple of dozens more.
The shorter numbers are the erroneous ones mentioned in the Undelete addon discussion.


do you have the few entries still under need help in that number. in that case there are lots of hidden segments that is good


I’ve collected all the segments, that were available through the “Final Link” column links, without differentating by the Status.

With the hidden ones there are 1402 segments:!middleauth+


and probably some visible that is bad, but that is not really important in the bigger picture


milky way of the brain or pyronic way lol


I’m so hyped for the entire 1M cells ! :star_struck: :joy:
Thanks for the link !

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So more fuuuunn ! Thank you ! :vulcan_salute: :yum:

Thanks to everyone who participated! The first class of Pyr Citizen Scientists :slight_smile:


Bronze color ! :vulcan_salute:

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I’m not used to this leaderboard, but is the number of ID OR the number of cells done the better ? I mean, annkri had a 60+ cells in 1 ID, so is there will be a number of cells leaderboard when counted ?

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The leaderboard only pulls from the spreadsheet, so it can only count any information visible on there. Right now it’s counting number of tasks labeled “Done” (or “Mossy Fiber”). If you guys wanted me to include a column for number of cells I can create that for challenges like these in the future, but it would mean you need to self-report the number of completed cells in your link. lmk!


I’m for it ! I’m not used to play for points, but here i would really like to know how many cells i reaped ! And how others did !

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As a counter-argument and to quote the famous Gimli, son of GlĂłin: that still only counts as one :wink:!middleauth+

However, I’m fine with any way of doing the sheets.


“A very fair sight, as hobbits would say!”


I splitt up and added not finished tasks from the first challenge (and bonus challenge) to a new list. so it is easier for several people to work on it at the same time. Should then be easy to past all id into the same link and update in the orginal list. Still one task that is not split up


Great idea!

I’ve removed the commas after the IDs.

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