Pyrsonas - What are Pyr CitSci's called?

Some of you may remember I came up with the term Flyer, which has served well for FAFB/BANC. Now we face a new challenge: What are Pyr players called?

(NB: Pyr is “peer”, not “pyre”)

Pyrers just doesn’t work, I feel. So here are some thoughts:

  • Pyrson (Person): Self explanatory, but very non-descript. A beginner Pyr player?
  • Helpyr (Helper): A good term for cit-scis! But also possibly something that could become a special rank (like Scout or Scythe).
  • Clippyr (Clipper): Only because I see it as an equivalent to “Scythe,” haha.
  • Keepyr (Keeper): Something that would be well suited for a high rank. Though obviously, below the Grim Reapyr.

I actually didn’t set out to recreate Eyewire ranks, but it kinda works?

Other options:

  • Pyrceivers (Perceivers)
  • Pyrformers (Performers)
  • Pyrates (Pirates)
  • And quite simply, Pyrs (Peers, as in friends/comrades!)

pyromaniacs, sry not sry (was too easy to pass) :innocent: :rofl:


What about playing on hippocampus as the memory center and call the ranks thing like.

  • Recallers
  • Memorist
  • Eidetic


  • Mindreader
  • Mindwriter

taking a shot at it from what pyr was called pre-name change…neocortexans? neophytes? Pyrexplorers?

Also if memory serves me well enough, EW’s mouse that had ‘given’ us the dataset had been given a name (that I now forget)…what shall we call this mouse? I vote for Pyro or Norman lol

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The mouse’s name was Harold.
I vote for Pyromaniacs, lol :smiley:


Right! Harold hahaha

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Pyradocs - We’re Pyr scientists Documenting the traces, and running into odd paradoxes during our trials!
Pyrformers - Pretty obvious
Pyrceptors - We’re percepting through the dataset after all
Pyrocessors - Again, self-explanatory