Twitch Office Hours

Join M and Amy for Office Hours Thursdays at 1 pm US ET/ 5 pm GMT on FlyWire Twitch!

Here’s a recording of our first session which was held on May 6, 2022:


Just a quick reminder here that there will be no Office Hours next Thursday, July 28.

See you on August 4th! :studio_microphone:

Hi All,

Unfortunately, due to illness, today’s Twitch stream will be postponed to next Thursday, Aug 11th. See you next week!

Thank you,


Hope you feel better soon!


Hi Flyers,

Quick update that I’ll be resuming FlyWire Office Hours on August 3rd, 2023.

I’m sorry I’ve skipped the past few weeks of Twitch streams due to summer schedule conflicts and some previous downtime of FlyWire chat. With the release of the preprint (huzzah! :tada: ), you may have noticed a few UI changes here and there. Most of them are related to the public release access so just make sure you’re in the Production dataset when tagging or editing any cells on FlyWire :slight_smile:

I’ll also post up a new thread about where to find the lists of potential OL candidate cells for tagging as there have been some recent UI changes.

Also, if there is anything you would like me to update/change or chat about on the Twitch Office Hours, do let me know/feel free to post here!

Thank you once again for all your contributions to FlyWire! You all are awesome! For Science!



Hi Flyers!

As some of you may know, we’re busy analyzing all the wonderful data you’ve helped to reconstruct and annotate for FlyWire. You can read a little bit about it by checking out the Optic Lobe Catalog and the related manuscript linked on that page (as part of the FlyWire consortium, you’re authors on this manuscript too!).

For a recent update about the FlyWire including news about the next fly brain dataset: FlyWire Winter '23 Update - FlyWire Blog

I’ll be taking a break from Twitch streams until after the new year, when hopefully we’ll be ready to start into a new dataset! :fly:

Wishing you a happy holiday season! Cheers,


Happy Spring Everyone!

With the opening of the BANC dataset, I’ll be starting up weekly Twitch streams again. However, I’m unable to stream on Thursdays, so help me out in choosing another day to livestream and chat with you!

Vote for a New Twitch Stream Time (US Eastern Time Zone)

  • Monday Afternoon
  • Wednesday Morning
  • Wednesday Afternoon
  • Friday Afternoon

0 voters

Thanks folks for voting! I’ll be resuming Office Hours for the BANC/FlyWire on Fridays at 2pm ET.

See you this Friday - bring a neuron for us to puzzle over together, ask questions or just come chill and trace along with me!

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Hi Flyers,
Just an FYI that I won’t be streaming tomorrow (Friday 7/12) and next week. Sorry for the late notice! We’ll resume on Friday, July 26. In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to chat, please feel free to reach out!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! :sun_with_face:

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