Pyr Challenge 2: Mossy Fibers!

*they did. I figure(d) that was a mistake so I may or may not have done some creative copy pasting. lol

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Some tasks were marked as already proofread, but just need to be identified as Mossy Fiber or not-Mossy Fiber. Any statuses are correctly copied over from our Master sheet - they are not in error.


Are you running some sort of duplicate seeker against previous completed tasks before releasing the tasks to us? assuming you have cordinates for the button. I will excpect a mossy fiber with two buttons will also two tasks made. + we have several id´s on some of the tasks.

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ah whopsy. lol

idk what others think or if they would like this, but assuming majority does:

Would it be easy to add a 3rd field here:

for overall leaderboard? Ie: part 1+2 = Nseraf (an example lol) =485+6= 491

And keep adding (part 1+2+3 etc) as we get more parts? I mean sure any player can do it manually, but this’d be faster to calc.

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also question abt this: if a row already has a yes in proofread, and it is an MF, do we still need to paste the ID in the New IDs column, or if there’s no change(s) no need?

I believe, this still applies:



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Sorry I’m using pivot tables here and so far I haven’t found an easy solution for combining the leaderboards. I may tinker around with these at some point if I have time but I can’t promise anything.

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sure thing. But it doesnt have to be anything too complicated, ie:

MF Overall. Leaderboard

AzureJay E3 +
Nseraf: B5 + E3
Kfay B3 + E#
KK B4 + E#

etc, then when part 3 comes along + H#

But, I do understand fully if you are low on avail. time!

Sure, I can do something like that. It won’t reorganize automatically like the other lists, but it could be a fix for total numbers for right now

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yeah thats fine, or it could be a manual addition once part 2/3/4 etc are finished or whatever. Thanks!

Actually I just realized this isn’t going to work because the other columns are dynamic and it can’t look at a specific cell while they move around. I’ll think on it.

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they shouldnt move when the part # is finished, ie: i doubt part 1’s are gonna move since all 2000 entries have been finished. (part 2 isnt yet but give us 3-4 days lol).

Anywho it isnt obvs any kind of a priority, just would be nice to have at some point.

Nevermind I figured it out, as long as everyone sticks to standard naming conventions it should work successfully :crazy_face:

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lol, well ok then.

hmm for some reason leaderboard part 2 isnt registering KK’s entries starting from line 1001.


looks to be working to me,

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yeah it is now.

Yup, as KK posted if there’s no change then no need to paste an ID. Just mark it as MF or not-MF and move along!