Pyr Challenge 2: Mossy Fibers!

ah ok, what if both merged cells in the original seg IDs have boutons? xD lol

I don’t know. Toss a coin, maybe? :smiley:

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:joy: or just trace both. lol

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You should trace both anyway. The question is, which one to put into the sheet’s ID column.

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yeah, true. Why not put both?

:person_shrugging: Good question.

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Hi all! Re: 2+ MFs - yes you should trace all and you can list all IDs in the ID tab


Grand, thanks.

Before pyr and this dataset Idk MFs even existed so I tried to find some schematic/ picture(s) of how they look like when full (not cutoff by dataset end), So, if I’m ‘reading’ the pics correctly the boutons on a string structures we are reconstructing are an MF’s axon, which if (I am) correct then they’re wildly different than axons as we’ve known them from EW, FW and BANC where the axon is basically a straight thick line with some axonal bouton endings. (in BANC the neck connective neurons coming from below the neck and end in the brain are a good example, thick long line and then a few boutons at the end).

In MFs its a very thin fishing line like axon with the boutons all along the axon.

If you follow the red line(s) back to the CB, the CB has dendrites at the other ‘end’ of it.


I was afraid there wouldn’t be enough to have fun ! :joy: :nerd_face:

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Just learned that the projections off the bouton are called “filopodia”


I do not know how you will pull the mossy fiber id´s from the spreadsheet but if you simply plan to copy the whole column it is really important we are writting nothing else than id and , in the MF column including using ctrl + enter to make a new line


so far in the new seg (mf only) column ive only been pasting IDs, indeed. (with , where applicable).

Agree about just pasting seg IDs in this column, you can use the notes section for anything else that needs to be indicated. I think the text should naturally wrap and push additional segments to a new line, so CTRL+enter should generally not be necessary


Ok, this is by far the most intricate &/or complex MF bouton I’ve seen so far in tracing C3 pyr dataset.!middleauth+


Finished :smiling_face_with_tear:
Would you have some more ? :nerd_face: :grin:


With part 1 finished we have:

1665 MFs and 1697 MF rows.

240 Non MF rows.

59 Too small’s.


Hello Pyros/Pyrs/Pyrceivers (still trying to figure out the name…)!

Congrats on finishing the first 2k of our Mossy Fibers! :tada: :broccoli: :partying_face:

Part 2 with our next 2k tasks of identifying/proofreading Mossy Fibers is now up on the spreadsheet! :v:

Minor Formatting Update:

If you happen to have more than one MF segment due to a merger in your starting segment, please use commas “,” between the new Seg IDs (ie. 648518346429523252, 648518346429786050,etc.).

Thanks for all your excellent and awesome contributions in digging up these Mossy Fibers! :bowing_woman:


Some rows, after 276 have already set the proofread status.

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