Pyr Proofreading Help

okey dokey.

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Likely a cell type called Oligodendrocytes (glial). Some more examples of these from the CA3 dataset.

Here is an image showing some more cell types you’re likely to come across in our dataset (this was made specifically for proofreading inhibitory cells, but also a good general reference). Thanks to M for the image!

inh_glia_types (1)

Referenced from this paper:


lovely glia cells are as lovely glia cells do. I’ve seen a lot of astrocytes in the dataset, they remind me of grenade shrapnel… lol. I wonder how well they’d be to trace…hmmmm

1 Like!middleauth+
What a beautiful chaos xD (and fully proofread) lol. The CB is in the center of the storm (cell). Interesting thing about it (which makes sense since glia transport O2 & nutrients afaik to neurons) there’s 2 different spots where it wraps itself around a blood vein.

34518, 42620, 1661 CB coordinates.


looks like you have had fun



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Myyy… what a fun !

Okay, it’s my first kind of that cell, need to know if i have to do it and if have to fully nub it :


related/unrelated M (I think or it might have been Celia) had replied ann abt how large a merger needs to be to be removal-worthy which if memory serves was =+ 5 microns, so if logic’s the same, I’d say if something is smaller than =+ 5 microns i’d not add. So most likely in your pic top Green seg yes, middle yellow eh probs not worth it, bottom purple likely at the middle ground of can but not rly bad if you dont.

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I remember, a few years ago, when the topic of Pyr (Neo) was being talked about, we’ve heard, that we’ll be mostly adding spikes to the branches of pyramidal neurons. I guess, those are the spikes. But it was long ago, so I might’ve mix things up and also things might’ve changed.

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lol i remember that, but then again it was nigh almost a decade ago, things have most likely changed since. Also I remember that when this was being talked abt, it wasn’t this small-er dataset but the 1 milimiter big one, which we dont have access to yet, so maybe it’s not that things have changed as much as the dataset in which we will be adding all the things in pyrm. cells isnt out yet and in this dataset we are required to trace the cells that synapse w/ the pyrm. cells.

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Yeah, I’ve just wanted to add to the discussion, what I’ve remembered, lol.

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that’s nice :slight_smile: what i’m most looking forward now is the mouse dataset that is all the retinal layers…just imagine aaallll the starbursts, rods, cones, ganglions, glia oh the glia whole and not just the cylindrical merger monsters we had in EW bipolar cells with cell bodies and not just the end boutons! lol

:joy: :joy: :joy:


You don’t need to add in all the spines to the cells, we are more interested in getting the structure completed than having every small spine attached.


Hi all, I just published a “Spelunker 102” blog post with some more “advanced” tips and tricks for navigating the spelunker/Pyr interface. Hopefully this is helpful! Also if you have any other non-obvious navigation tips for spelunker that I missed, let me know! I can add any that I think would be helpful to a new players when I get a chance!


I’ll also make a separate post regarding add-ons at some point


Hey I dunno where to post this, I’ve been sick for the past week and now that I’m on the mend, I’m traveling in a couple days. If anyone wants something (else) to trace, here’s a handful of things to pick away at. It’s almost done if you decide to ignore some little dust bits that I never properly tossed out from the original segment, and I think 2-3 segments (including the original CB) are likely glia. Have fun!!middleauth+


Which row(s) in the gsheet is/are this/these? So that we can set it/them to good.

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ok finished it/them off for you.!middleauth+

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Accepting assistance on row 275 - it’s almost completely broken up now but currently over 100 segments so there’s plenty to work on.

Please recolor finished segments to help keep track, you can update the link in the row when you are done making edits.

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