Will it be any help if we start proofreading random segments in this pyr dataset waiting on more tasks? Or are there only useful data in cells that have synapses with the cells of interest since the dataset is so narrow?
Do anyone else have problem with the share button not working as it should?
i find that about half the time when i press it or think i do. I am not getting the correct link. i try to always cheek the link i am posting to make sure it is the correct one.
I find that if I paste before it finishes (share link copied to clipboard down left corner msg) it usually messes up, either by having a wrong link or by pasting a neuroglancer link w/o 2D or 3D tabs.
I have erred in hotkeys or something, this selection tab sometimes pops up and forces everything else down but whenever I open someone else’s shares they don’t have this, in large tasks it’s a bit inconvenient to have my segments down below the merge/cut menu interfaces. No amount of unpinning or closing seems to last more than a second or two.
You can unpin it, then drag the lower menu at the top. They should switch places to look like on @Nseraf’s screen. You might try to do it a few times, because the drop zones seems to be small.
I’m not sure what’s going on with that. I would say maybe drop an annotation point on it with a note about it being something strange and then move on.
not a 100% sure but I think so, yes, if you trace through the incredibly thin connections some of the branches lead to the sheath around the larger/thicker axons.
I see a few merger segments like this green segment where they cant be entirely unmerged (kinda like a fused merger in EW) I’ve been merging them to the side that has the least amount of merger seg in, in this case it’d be the blue-ish neuron/cell. Should I continue like that or leave both with gaps?
I would just leave a gap on these, I think it makes it less confusing when there aren’t weird little nubs sticking out. Try to keep in as much as possible while omitting the merger piece, though I’m sure you already know that