Did some of them, pasted link and comments at row 275.
Is that one long enough to be MF or should i log it as Too Small ?
Too small would only be used for a bouton that is right at the edge of the dataset and has no additional axonal continuation (I’m assuming these cells were identified based on their boutons which is why we end up with these kinds of issues). If you are also getting part of the axon along with the bouton it would not be considered too small.
Thanks both, i modified my logs !
I put this one as “Too Small”, good ?
Not sure, how others would do, but I’d mark it as an MF. After all, if’s possible to identify it (many vesicles, synapses with those “bubbly” neurons) and has some length of the axon.
i would also mark it as a MF
I’d do the same.
I think too small is basically only for when the only thing in the dataset is a bouton or less than a whole bouton and no axon or similar.
Would you say that’s an MF ? It is small and directly on the main, but it is connected to a bubbly, so i would say yes
Yes, I’d say, it’s an MF. It has high density of the neurotransmitter vesicles and also synapses with the bubbly one in this sort of a jig-saw puzzle way, unlike other synapses, where they only (almost) touch each other.
Would you label this one as too small or MF? If it was the 1/3 of a bouton alone I’d be more certain abt TS, but it has at least some small part of an axon so now Idk.
I’d label it as an MF. I have this rule (that I’ve just created, lol), that if the axon is longer, than the longest dimension of the bouton, mark it as an MF.
lol, fair enough, thnx.
Hi all,
Re: questions about what is considered “Too Small.” I inquired, and this label should be given to anything that meets the following requirements:
Case 1: If the segment has only one bouton and it is cut off at the edge of the dataset (partial bouton), it should be considered “Too Small,” even if there is some amount of axon emerging from the bouton.
Case 2: If the bouton is fully intact, it should still be considered “Too Small” if there is no axon branch emerging from it.
Anything else (cells with at least 1 fully intact bouton and some amount of axon branch) should be given the MF categorization.
Hope this helps clarify things! Sorry for some confusion earlier. Also no need to revisit cells that were previously labeled, please just use these definitions moving forward. TIA!
i have seen some cells that have a half button but, axon still crossing trough the whole dataset. so after new definition it should be labeled too small?
If it’s like KK says “if the axon is longer, than the longest dimension of the bouton” then mark it as MF.
A “small amount of axon” is something that is just barely poking into the dataset.
This would be marked as a MF even though the bouton is cut-off: neuroglancer
If in doubt, better to mark it as a MF than as “Too Small” if you can determine it’s an MF bouton (attached to the thorny excrescenes or “bubblies” (thanks Kfay - I like this name, better than the scientific one I struggle to pronounce!), has many vesicles, etc.).
A question about the initial mergers:
if the merger consists of an obvious MF and a branch, that doesn’t have any boutons and may or may not be an MF, should we still trace that branch or just remove it?
If it’s attached to the initial branch then you should trace it until you can determine if it’s a MF. If it is, complete it.