I have a problem with LC10 cells.
There are 2 subtypes: 10A and 10B. They can be split further:
10A → 10b, 10c
10B → 10a, 10d
However, I can’t tell any differences between the cells.
Here’s a link with several LC10 neurons (many still missing):
The descriptions of the subtypes are as following:
Subtype of lobula columnar neuron LC10B. It has its main arbors in lobula layers 3, 4 and 5B, with some processes extending into layer 2 and some branches in layers 5 and 6. Presynaptic sites are observed in layer 3. It is a cholinergic neuron (Davis et al., 2020).
Subtype of lobula columnar neuron LC10A. It has its main arbors in lobula layers 4 to 6, with arbors denser in the latter, and many parallel processes exist between the two layers. Presynaptic sites are mainly observed in layer 6, with some in layers 4 and 5A. It is a cholinergic neuron (Davis et al., 2020).
Subtype of lobula columnar neuron LC10A. It has its main arbors in lobula layer 5B, some branches in 6 and some processes reaching into 5A. It projects to the most lateral of the dorsal optic glomeruli of the PVLP, ventral to LC16. There are around 70 cells of this type.
Subtype of lobula columnar neuron LC10B. It has its main arbors in lobula layers 4 to 6, with less dense arbors in 5B than in layers 4, 6 or 5A (in contrast to LC10a). Presynaptic sites are observed in layers 4 and 6 (less numerous than LC10a in layer 3 and LC10b in layer 6). Its arbor is much smaller than LC10b. There are around 84 cells of this type.
Source: FlyBase
If anyone could find a few examples of each subtypes, that would be great.
Here’s an image showing the differences: