Bugs, glitches and things not working as they should

Have this potential bug in the profile stats and no other thread matched so I created a new one.

Am I reading this wrong or is it buggy/glitchy? If I have 541 edits today (what are the numbers in the () btw?) then shouldnt past 7 days and All time be higher/different?

ie: today: 541, past 7D: 800, All time: 1000 ?

This looks like it has just copied the same number on all 3 categories.

cells being zero makes sense since unlike FW/BANC so far in pyr we arent able to declare cells complete somehow. (I’m guessing that’ll change in future datasets?)

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Same for me, wrong infos. Also thanks for the new topic, i was wondering where to post my new comment.

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Anyone have that issue ? Really often the 3D view do not refresh when cutting, also when merging but especially when cutting :

Refresh (F5), Hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) and even close and reopen chrome do not change.

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It can take a while sometimes, but idk if it’s a bug or traffic volume at the time or how much was added/removed etc.

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I have the same bugs as nik and kfay
another bug i have is: If i try to merge something and get it wrong (too close to the edge) when i then remove the points i have tried to merge. My 2D / 3D goes black when howering over any segment. To fix this i need to refresh the page.

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Never happened to me for the moment.

yeah that one exists since FW and BANC.

Singlehandedly the worst bug for me is the “2D image refresh stall” where it just gets a very blurry jpeg of the 2D or nothing at all, and then shuts down the render pipeline for it. I know a refresh isn’t a big deal but when you’re in the zone it’s enough to pull you out.

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yeah especially when it’s several refreshes a minute. lol

Well, this was weird, I had several segments merging into 1 cell/branch (one of those that go straight line across the dataset w/o forking etc) they merged, they vanished from the segments list and 2D/3D, then refresh and/or undelete isnt bring the merged result back…(and I didn’t have 2D axis right on the segment so Idk where it is…)

My workflow to force loading 3D seg when it don’t want to appear in 3D :

click on “Share” → close the tab, open a new tab, paste and Enter
thant’s all. Do not need to clear the cache or reboot Chrome

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