Bugs, glitches and things not working as they should

Have this potential bug in the profile stats and no other thread matched so I created a new one.

Am I reading this wrong or is it buggy/glitchy? If I have 541 edits today (what are the numbers in the () btw?) then shouldnt past 7 days and All time be higher/different?

ie: today: 541, past 7D: 800, All time: 1000 ?

This looks like it has just copied the same number on all 3 categories.

cells being zero makes sense since unlike FW/BANC so far in pyr we arent able to declare cells complete somehow. (Iā€™m guessing thatā€™ll change in future datasets?)

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Same for me, wrong infos. Also thanks for the new topic, i was wondering where to post my new comment.

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Anyone have that issue ? Really often the 3D view do not refresh when cutting, also when merging but especially when cutting :

Refresh (F5), Hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) and even close and reopen chrome do not change.

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It can take a while sometimes, but idk if itā€™s a bug or traffic volume at the time or how much was added/removed etc.

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I have the same bugs as nik and kfay
another bug i have is: If i try to merge something and get it wrong (too close to the edge) when i then remove the points i have tried to merge. My 2D / 3D goes black when howering over any segment. To fix this i need to refresh the page.

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Never happened to me for the moment.

yeah that one exists since FW and BANC.

Singlehandedly the worst bug for me is the ā€œ2D image refresh stallā€ where it just gets a very blurry jpeg of the 2D or nothing at all, and then shuts down the render pipeline for it. I know a refresh isnā€™t a big deal but when youā€™re in the zone itā€™s enough to pull you out.

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yeah especially when itā€™s several refreshes a minute. lol

Well, this was weird, I had several segments merging into 1 cell/branch (one of those that go straight line across the dataset w/o forking etc) they merged, they vanished from the segments list and 2D/3D, then refresh and/or undelete isnt bring the merged result backā€¦(and I didnā€™t have 2D axis right on the segment so Idk where it isā€¦)

My workflow to force loading 3D seg when it donā€™t want to appear in 3D :

click on ā€œShareā€ ā†’ close the tab, open a new tab, paste and Enter
thantā€™s all. Do not need to clear the cache or reboot Chrome

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Just as an addendum to this in case it helps identify -why- it keeps happeningā€¦ Iā€™ve noticed when I lose the ability to load 2D, itā€™s always accompanied by an error in the Dev Console of ā€œAbortError: The operation was aborted.ā€
Whatā€™s interesting is that continuing to try and explore still shows the download happening, but itā€™s like the Download Managerā€™s been detached from the layer, and so all that new data just goes into a buffer somewhere and is never ā€˜consumedā€™.
Zooming in or out in the 2D layer generates a whole bunch more of the AbortErrors.

Interestingly, when I try to create a new layer to ā€˜mimicā€™ zheng_ca3 (image), I still donā€™t get anything to load on the new layer, so this feels like itā€™s a bug in the GrapheneChunkedGraphChunkSource download function, rather than with the layer.


Is anyone else having problems with stuff merging/loading in Pyr? B/c itā€™s drugging its feet for me for the past ~1hr or so.

yeah not sure for how long, but it have been slower.
i am also getting this message that i canĀ“t remember to have seen before. second try with same points worked.

Split failed: (ā€˜invalid_grant: Invalid JWT Signature.ā€™, {ā€˜errorā€™: ā€˜invalid_grantā€™, ā€˜error_descriptionā€™: ā€˜Invalid JWT Signature.ā€™})

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yep, itā€™s been slower since 1 or 2 days. i had to modify latence of my macros to add 3 secs more for waiting for loads.
Also, more problems with merges very slows and cuts that failed more imo

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Same error right now BUT after hitting another time and another time for forcing, it finally did the cut !

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I have a lot of :

  • several latence with ā€œtryingā€ when merge, then :
    • Split failed: (ā€˜invalid_grant: Invalid JWT Signature.ā€™, {ā€˜errorā€™: ā€˜invalid_grantā€™, ā€˜error_descriptionā€™: ā€˜Invalid JWT Signature.ā€™})
    • [500]: Could not acquire root lock (during merging)
  • 3D mesh loading issues after merge and cut

For merging, it need several tries to do it.

Even Hard refresh, chrome reboot and computer reboot donā€™t fix.

I was getting this constantly. Logged out of neuroglancer, back in, and it seems to be behaving. Anyone else having success with that?

Edit: Definitely fixed the JWT error, but the 3D is almost never loading.


Logging in and out do not seem to be working for me

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Hi Folks!

UPDATE: The JWT error is fixed now. And Iā€™m seeing some faster loading post-split and merge as well. :no_entry_sign: :beetle: :tada:

Thanks for reporting! Iā€™ve reached out to Chris, our dev and heā€™s looking into the following errors (I was able to replicate them both myself):

  • JWT signature
  • slow loading of 3D post-split/merge